Neo-Kantian „Return to Kant” – An Attempt to Characterize the Phenomenon

Wojciech Hanuszkiewicz

„Re­turn to Kant” (Zurück zu Kant) is a mot­to of phi­lo­so­phi­cal mo­ve­ment na­med neo­‑kan­tia­nism. The mo­ve­ment evo­lved in the last de­ca­des of 19th cen­tu­ry in Ger­ma­ny. Du­ring next 70 years it do­mi­na­ted al­most all Ger­man uni­ver­si­ties. Ho­we­ver, it was a ve­ry he­te­ro­ge­ne­ous for­ma­tion for „re­trun to Kant” co­uld be, and in fact it was, achie­ved in dif­fe­rent ways. Such di­ver­si­ty ma­kes it dif­fi­cult to gi­ve a cle­ar and com­pact de­fi­ni­tion of neo­kan­tianism. Even neo­‑kan­tia­ni­sts them­se­lves we­re not able to cre­ate one. This work ana­ly­zes the most re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ve opi­nions in which the par­ti­cu­lar mem­bers of neo­kan­tianism mo­ve­ment tried to de­fi­ne the­ir iden­ti­ty. The re­sult of the­se ana­ly­ses is not a fi­nal de­fi­ni­tion of „neo­kan­tianism” but ra­ther the pre­sen­ta­tion of trans­for­ma­tions which this con­cept un­der­went in its hi­sto­ri­cal de­ve­lop­ment.

Keywords: neokantianism · transcendentalism · Kant · Cohen

Wojciech Hanuszkiewicz – Ph.D., Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Pedagogical University of Cracow. Main research interests: conceptions of metaphysics in the 19th and 20th century, phenomenology, neo-Kantianism. Author of the monograph Filozofia Hermanna Cohena w perspektywie sporu o jedność metody transcendentalnej [Hermann Cohen’s Philosophy in the Perspektive of the Dispute about theUnity of the Transcendental Method], Warszawa 2011.   »  

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The journal founded by Leszek Kołakowski, Bronisław Baczko and Jan Garewicz appears continuously since 1957.

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