The meaning of Phenomenological interpetations of Aristotle in genesis of Heideggers fundamental ontology

Piotr Pasterczyk

The article discusses the early paper of Heidegger (Natorp Bericht, 1922) on basis of its new polish translation (M. Heidegger, Nota dla Natorpa, trans. Piotr Pasterczyk, Wyd. Rolewski). Thanks to Natorp Bericht Heidegger could obtain the chair of philosophy at the University of Marburg in 1924. The very philosophical meaning of this paper refers to genesis of fundamental ontology (Sein und Zeit) in Heideggers dialogue with VI. book of Aristoteles’s Nicomachean Ethics. The connection between “Anzeige der hermeneutischen Situation” (Natorp Bericht) and “Daseinsanalytik” (Sein und Zeit) manifest: 1) specific terminology made by Heidegger for fundamental ontology which elementary form we find in Natorp Bericht; 2) Heideggers attitude towards philosophical tradition expressed in this terminology in Natorp Bericht and Sein und Zeit; 3) the hermeneutic-phenomenological understanding of the knowledge as interpretation.

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Keywords: Heidegger · Time and the Being · fundamental ontology · hermeneutical phenomenology · practical philosophy · Nicomachean Ethics

Piotr Pasterczyk – assistant professor at the Faculty of Philosophy of Catholic University of Lublin. 2001 – doctor of theology on the work of Theologie des kirchlichen Amtes written with Professor Gisbert Greshake, 2005 – doctor of philosophy on the work of Der Traum des Sokrates und das Problem der Dialektik im Theaitetos written with Professor Günther Figal.   »  

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