Butterfl ies Hunter. Hans Lipps – a Few Comments about the Biography

Krzysztof Sołoducha

The aim of the text is historical as well as systematic. At the historical layer it is the continuation of my long-term work on presenting the intellectual heritage of the group of philosophers dealing with hermeneutical logic. It was intended for Polish readers. Hans Lipps plays a signifi cant role in this movement however, his activity is rather unknown in Poland. From this point of view the text attempts to fill up a gap in the Polish philosophical tradition. Moreover, at the systematic layer the text with reference to is also an attempt to investigate certain uses of the emergence concept in a hermeneutical cognitive theory.

Keywords: hermeneutical logic · Hans Lipps · hermeneutics · theory of knowledge · emergency · Dilthey school

Krzysztof Sołoducha – Associated Professor at the Institut for Humanities at Military University of Technology in Warsaw. Main fi elds of research: hermeneutic theory of cognition and language, philosophical bases of theory of marketing communication, philosophy of architecture. Author of: Life and knowledge. Georg Misch in search of postmetaphysical metaphysics; Burning down tracks on the mind. Introduction to the theory of the marketing communication (co-author and editor); Bajan. Exercises around patafonic, Surpluses of the consciousness. Translator of selection of writings by Georg Misch: Metaphysics, language, event. Editor in chief of e-quarterly „Krytyka Architektury” and internet portal Sztuka-architektury.pl   »  

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The journal founded by Leszek Kołakowski, Bronisław Baczko and Jan Garewicz appears continuously since 1957.

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© Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społecznej 1957-2010.