Gigantomachia peri tes ousias. Reading of Aristotle in XX century

Daniel Roland Sobota

inicjal„>The subject of the discussion is the content of Enrico Berti’s book Aristotle in the twentieth century. The article presents its main theses and points at the problems and philosophical position assumed by the author. In the next step, it subjects them to the critical deconstruction, relating it to the subject of metaphysics as such, i.e., pure questionness. Regarding the questionness as a principle of being and cognition, Berti’s so called classical metaphysics is opposed to the metaphysics of question, represented by Heidegger.



Keywords: E. Berti · Aristotle · classical metaphysics · Heidegger · questionness

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The journal founded by Leszek Kołakowski, Bronisław Baczko and Jan Garewicz appears continuously since 1957.

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