Zeno of Elea Read Anew

Seweryn Blandzi

inicjal„>Dariusz Piętka, Zeno’s of Elea Apagogic Arguments in Parmenides’s Apology, Liberi Libri Publishing House, Warsaw 2017, pp. 265.



Keywords: Piętka · Parmenides · Zeno of Elea

Seweryn Blandzi – editor-in-chief of the  “Archive”. Head of a Research Group for Ancient Philosophy and History of Ontology at IFiS PAN. Chairman of the Polish Society of Systematical  Philosophy, editor of the book series: “Hermeneutics of the problems of philosophy” and “Studies in Systematical Philosophy”. Research interests: history of philosophy (mainly ancient philosophy), history of metaphysics and its transformation into ontology, German philosophy and hermeneutics. He published (inter alia): Platonic Search for Ontology of Ideas. Platonic Project of First Philosophy (Warsaw 2002) (Warsaw 1992), Between Parmenides' aletejology, and Filon's ontotheology (Warsaw 2013).

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The journal founded by Leszek Kołakowski, Bronisław Baczko and Jan Garewicz appears continuously since 1957.

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© Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społecznej 1957-2010.