Editorial rules

inicjal„>Archives of History of Philosophy and  Social Thought publishes articles in Polish and congress languages (English, French, German). Articles should meet all the formal language correctness standards, regardless of the article’s language. Moreover, it is highly recommended that the author should write his paper according to the following rules highlighted below:

I.            Suggested length of the article: 40 000 signs; however, in some well-grounded cases Editorial Staff will let lengthier articles to be published as well.

II.            All the papers should be sent to our email address ahf@ifispan.waw.pl as attached files. Recommended formats: .rtf, .doc, .docx.

III.            Regardless of the language of the article each paper should contain two abstracts: one in Polish and one in English (one page of the normalized typescript), a set of 4-8 key words, a short note on the author (in both mentioned languages), and a bibliography. If an author doesn't speak Polish, the Polish version will be prepared by editors. Please also provide the ORCID number.

IV.            Text Format:

1.            Font: Times New Roman Normal; Size – 12; Foreign language expressions – in italics; Emphasis of the important words/fragments – spacing out (2pt);

2.            Line spacing and Margins: Space between lines — 1,5; Page layout — standard (all the margins maximum 2,5 cm).

3.            Other: function of words dividing (hyphen) – switched off; Main text — justified.

V.            Quotations:

1.            Up to three lines – stays in the main text, normal letters, put in quotes.

2.            More than three lines – without the quotation marks, singled out by a smaller font size, line spacing before and after the quote.

3.            Text omissions – marked out by an ellipsis put in square brackets […].

4.            Number of the footnote should be always put between the ending quotation mark and the following punctuation mark.

VI.            Footnote:

1.            Formatting: Footnote is treated as a sentence (starting with a capital letter, ending with a full stop); Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page with a continuous numeration; Font: Times New Roman, font size – 10, line spacing 1,0; Names of the authors should be preceded by their surnames’ initials, titles of the books or articles should be put in italics, titles of periodicals – normal letters in quotes; all the elements of a footnote should be separated off with a comma.

2.            Examples:

Whole books:

    i>M. Szulakiewicz, Filozofia w Heidelbergu, Rzeszów 1995, s. 100.i> i>I. Kant, Krytyka czystego rozumu, przeł. R. Ingarden, t. 1, Warszawa 1986, s. 99.i>

Articles published in a book:

    i>J. Siemek, Transcendentalizm jako stanowisko epistemologiczne, in: Dziedzictwo Kanta. Materiały z sesji kantowskiej, red. J. Garewicz, Warszawa 1976, s. 14.i> i>G. Simmel, O istocie kultury, przeł. W. Kunicki, in: Idem, Filozofia kultury. Wybór esejów, Kraków 2007, s. 16.i>

Articles published in a journal or a periodical:

    i>M. Święcicka, Kantowskie a priori w filozofii niemieckiej lat sześćdziesiątych XIX w, „Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społecznej”, 1976, t. 22, s. 48.i>

VII.            Abbreviations:

If the footnote relates to a work of a given author and only one of her/his publication is mentioned in the whole paper, then instead of a full description an abbreviation op. cit. should be used in conjunction with a number of a page referring to an adduced publication. An example:

    i>I. Kant, op.cit, s. 12.i>

If there are many publications of a single author the title or its abbreviated form should be repeated (see further).

If the footnote refers to the same work as the preceding footnote, instead of a full description an abbreviation ibidem should be used, put in italics. Correct page of the reference should be given if it comes from different page than the preceding footnote. An example:

    i>I. Kant, Krytyka czystego rozumu, przeł. R. Ingarden, t. 1, Warszawa 1986, s. 99.i> i>Ibidem, s. 105.i>

If the footnote refers to the different work of the same author (who is mentioned in the preceding footnote) we use an abbreviation idem. Number of the page, title, year of release and the place of release according to general rules should be provided. An example:

    i>I. Kant, Krytyka czystego rozumu, przeł. R. Ingarden, t. 1, Warszawa 1986, s. 99.i> i>IdemKrytyka władzy sądzenia, przeł. J. Gałecki, Warszawa 1986, s. 333.i>

If the footnote refers to the same author, whose other work is quoted in the paper, following footnotes referring to those works should be put in an abbreviated form. An example:

    i>M. Szulakiewicz, Filozofia w Heidelbergu, Rzeszów 1995, s. 100.i> i>M. Szulakiewicz, Filozofia…, s. 122.i>

If the author quotes information enclosed on different pages of the quoted work, then in the footnote after the bibliographical description of the work an abbreviation passim should be put after comma. An example:

    i>I. Kant, Krytyka czystego rozumu, przeł. R. Ingarden, t. 1, Warszawa 1986, passim.i>

While quoting the electronic source, the date of the last entry should be provided. An example;

    i>J. Włodarczyk, Mikołaj Kopernik i zaćmienia, „Wiedza i Życie”, in: „GazetaWyborcza.pl”, http://wyborcza.pl/1,76506,5061350.html, 22.03.2009.i>
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Latest volume

Volume 66/67 (2021/2022)

The journal founded by Leszek Kołakowski, Bronisław Baczko and Jan Garewicz appears continuously since 1957.

Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN Archiwum Warszawskiej Szkoły Historii Idei Bibliografia Filozofii Polskiej The Interlocutor Wydawnictwo IFiS PAN Polskie Towarzystwo Filozoficzne
© Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społecznej 1957-2010.