History of Philosophy as History of the Problem of Knowledge

Przemysław Parszutowicz

The goal of the essay History of Philosophy as History of the Problem of Knowledge is to show how the history of philosophy was practiced in neokantian School in Marburg (notably by Ernst Cassirer). Their method was based on the historical and genetic analysis. As a result of that analysis every particular philosophical conception, both historical and contemporary, is discussed as articulation and reiterated attempt to solve some of the perennial philosophical problems. The purpose of such reformulation, however, is not another description of particular epistemological standpoints. Is seeks – according to chief principals of the critical philosophy – the ultimate base for the possibility of their variety and thus apportion of the main function of the evolution of the epistemological issues.

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Keywords: history · theory of knowledge · cassirer · transcendentalism

Przemysław Parszutowicz — Professor at Department of History of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy,  Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. His current research interests include history and theory of transcendental philosophy. Author of books: Filozofia jako krytyka poznania. Wprowadzenie do transcendentalizmu Ernsta Cassirera [Philosophy as Critique of knowledge. Introduction to Ernst Cassirer's Transcendentalism] (Warsaw 2013); Fenomenologia form symbolicznych. Podstawowe pojecia i inspiracje „późnej” filozofii Ernsta Cassirera [Phenomenology of Symbolic Forms. Basic Concepts and Inspirations of Ernst Cassirer's „late” Philosophy] (Warsaw 2013).   »  

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