The Forgotten Hermeneutics of Question(ing) and the Hermeneutical Ontology

Małgorzata Przanowska

inicjal„>Hans-Georg Gadamer described his own philosophical style as the one that awakes in the other a question(ing). He mentioned as well „the forgotten hermeneutics of question(ing)” which demands – as one can assume – our close attention. In this article, the author outlines a possible reading of the hermeneutics of question(ing) putting into a question by asking what does the hermeneutics of question(ing) intrinsically mean? How are we to understand the very project of such hermeneutics? Th e author claims that the latter strongly relates to the hermeneutical ontology which consists in a participation in an interrogative movement of being. Th e conclusion is preceded by the typology of the hermeneutic of question(ing).



Keywords: Hermeneutic ontology · typology of questions · sense of question(ing) · dialectic · dialogue · the hermeneutic of question(ing)

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The journal founded by Leszek Kołakowski, Bronisław Baczko and Jan Garewicz appears continuously since 1957.

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